You'll also want to keep tabs with your gear, especially when it can help you with critical hit chance and damage bonus attributes, particularly with submachine guns. By keeping these in check, your DPS will pick up with weapons that can fire more ammo, which in turn can help you take down rogue agents and do damage to bosses. Those with lower accuracy could use something that makes for better headshots, as well as a push in accuracy and stability.

If you're using an SMG or assault rifle, try a magazine mod that picks up the increase size, as well as the opportunity to get better critical hits or the rate of fire. Make sure you go with proper modifications as well. You can't do that much when wielding a sniper rifle or an LMG. There's also a significant fire rate, making it good to take down enemy agents within your sights quickly and conveniently, as you keep moving through the Zone. You'll stand a better chance of not only hitting your targets, but also scoring critical hits in some scenarios, which in turn increase the overall damage the weapon can deliver – and your DPS, for that matter. The best way to go is with the submachine gun, which is balanced across the board with DPS in terms of accuracy and output. As a result, your output will likely suffer overall. Run and gunners may go with the light machine gun, which provides a better DPS, but your accuracy may suffer as a result. This is mainly due to its balance of bullet damage, fire rate and clip size, provided that your accuracy is right on target.

By having this as your primary asset (and not so much the actual damage which is done by ammunition), you'll be able to hit enemies harder. Managing the Right Weapon Loadoutįirst off, make sure you keep an eye on your DPS. That said, you'll want to keep an eye on what weapons will suit you best in an effort to push up your stats overall. Making sure you have the proper loadout will lead to better survival odds within both PvE and PvP match-ups. By doing both of these, you'll stand a greater chance in the Dark Zone. With these build, you'll put together a character that can dish out DPS (Damage Per Second) like a pro, while taking better damage.